2 weeks ago, the hotel had it's annual Holiday awards ceremony where, I am so proud to say, I was awarded with the title of Manager of the Year! Aside from the fabulous prize, which I'll detail later, winning MOY has sort of confirmed for me that I'm where I'm supposed to be.
Five years ago, fresh out of college with my Music Business degree, I took a job as a catering assistant hoping to gain event planning experience to take back into the business side of the music industry. As I've moved up in the company and into management, I've learned a lot. But aside from catering, quality assurance, and rooms operations, what I've really started to learn is that I'm pretty good at this. Sure, I've always done the best that I could and thought that I'd been doing a good job, but it really means a lot to know that the directors of the hotel feel the same way. And that all those weekends worked, all those 14-15 hour days, 6 day weeks, and 10 day stretches without a day off, have all been worth it somehow. I'm not where I ever thought I would've been 5 years ago, and there have been plenty of disappointments and bad days along the way, but I feel like I'm in the right place.
And now, onto my reward! An extra week's paid vacation, airfare for 2 to a location of my choosing with a Hyatt, 6 night's Hyatt stay, $700 food and beverage credit, and $500 spending money. 2nd honeymoon, here we come! But where to? Any suggestions??
Have Good Weekend Round 2
After my previously bitchy post - I'm happy to announce that for the past 3 weeks I've been working M-F as the hotel's Reservations Manager. It's definitely been different! First, I'm not used to sitting stationary at my desk - I'm used to being up and about and around the hotel all day long. Now, I'm tied to my desk all day.
Also, I'm still not used to my regular weekends off. Especially Sundays. It's strange to think that Berto & I can plan to do things on Sundays. On the other hand, I'm way less motivated to run my errands on Sundays. I'm missing my weekdays already. I just can't feel up to cleaning or buying groceries when Berto is around to encourage some good couch laying!
All in all though, I'm very happy with the new position. It's so lovely to be able to plan things and spend more time with Berto. And more than that, it's nice to not be bitter when people tell me to have a good weekend!
Also, I'm still not used to my regular weekends off. Especially Sundays. It's strange to think that Berto & I can plan to do things on Sundays. On the other hand, I'm way less motivated to run my errands on Sundays. I'm missing my weekdays already. I just can't feel up to cleaning or buying groceries when Berto is around to encourage some good couch laying!
All in all though, I'm very happy with the new position. It's so lovely to be able to plan things and spend more time with Berto. And more than that, it's nice to not be bitter when people tell me to have a good weekend!
10.10.10 Envy
I'm so jealous of everyone who ran the Chicago Marathon Sunday. While not my PR or my most emotional finish, I really enjoyed the race itself the most of my three marathons. It's just such a big race. It's so much more fun to be running alongside of a lot of people as well as having tons of spectators, and it doesn't hurt that some of the spectators are people you actually know. I felt so much less fatigue during that race last year. I didn't really notice it until mile 20 or so.
Berto is also very jealous of the fact that the marathon was on 10.10.10. He really wanted to be able to sport the 10.10.10 gear. Instead of running, we had drinks w/ his fellow Morton coaches and their wives the night before, slept in late, and turned on the TV around 9 o'clock to watch that Olympian Sammy something come away with a nasty finish in the last .2. I felt guilty all day for not running, or really doing much of anything that day.
Somewhere between the Bears game and Good Will Hunting, I received a coupon for $40 off a registration fee for any Rock 'n Roll Marathon or 1/2 Marathon. I immediately went to work researching upcoming marathons, searching Hyatt comps rooms, and flights eligible to use my airline miles. After a few hours, yes hours, surfing the web, we settled on The Rock n' Roll Arizona Marathon January 16th in Phoenix. I have lots of family in Phoenix, and hopefully my parents will be able to drive over from LA. We're staying at the Hyatt Gainey Ranch Resort, of course, the best Hyatt I've ever stayed at (aside from the ones in Hawaii, of course). January 16th is 13.5 weeks away, meaning training officially started Monday! Hello Saturday long runs!
Speaking of Saturdays, I may have some news regarding my recently ranted about work schedule - but I don't want to jinx anything!
Berto is also very jealous of the fact that the marathon was on 10.10.10. He really wanted to be able to sport the 10.10.10 gear. Instead of running, we had drinks w/ his fellow Morton coaches and their wives the night before, slept in late, and turned on the TV around 9 o'clock to watch that Olympian Sammy something come away with a nasty finish in the last .2. I felt guilty all day for not running, or really doing much of anything that day.
Somewhere between the Bears game and Good Will Hunting, I received a coupon for $40 off a registration fee for any Rock 'n Roll Marathon or 1/2 Marathon. I immediately went to work researching upcoming marathons, searching Hyatt comps rooms, and flights eligible to use my airline miles. After a few hours, yes hours, surfing the web, we settled on The Rock n' Roll Arizona Marathon January 16th in Phoenix. I have lots of family in Phoenix, and hopefully my parents will be able to drive over from LA. We're staying at the Hyatt Gainey Ranch Resort, of course, the best Hyatt I've ever stayed at (aside from the ones in Hawaii, of course). January 16th is 13.5 weeks away, meaning training officially started Monday! Hello Saturday long runs!
Speaking of Saturdays, I may have some news regarding my recently ranted about work schedule - but I don't want to jinx anything!
Have a good weekend!
This phrase is so cheery and polite. It's usually accompanied with a bright smile by someone who undoubtedly has good plans for their own weekend. It is one of my most hated phrases.
Working in hospitality, I barely have a grasp on what day of the week it is. I just know if I'm "on" or "off" that day. (And "on" certainly is the word for the sugary sweet fakeness that I ooze at work. During my more bitchy moments Berto tells me he wishes I would use my work demeanor more for him and casual acquaintances, which I'm wayyyyyy too exhausted for. But this is a blog for another time). Every Friday between 4-5pm people stroll down the hallway by my office, which is on the way to the employee entrance. Administrative assistants, Sales Managers, Catering/CS Managers, and other lucky employees on their way to enjoying their regularly scheduled weekend off. They smile and wave, and tell me to "have a good weekend", while they scurry out the door to enjoy their plans.
Why is this scenario so offensive you might ask? It's simply a nice gesture. But to me, it only serves as a reminder of what a big pain in the ass it is to work weekends ALL THE FREAKING TIME! Generally speaking, I like my job. I'm paid well (not enough for what I do, but who is? And overall, I do well) I enjoy the people that I work with. My hours are long (I've worked as many as 72 hours in a single week), but I make overtime. And the perks, well, unbeatable. 12 free nights a year at any Hyatt in the world? Yes, please.
But the most annoying part of my job is never being able to plan for ANYTHING, because my schedule is based purely on the demands of the hotel. It's common for me to not know on a Thursday/Friday whether or not I'll be working come Sunday morning. It's become a way of life for me over the past 2.5 years in management, and it's a way of life for all the other rooms/operational managers (those people that I mentioned that I enjoyed working with). My off days might be Monday/Friday (my schedule this week). Or Sunday/Thursday, you just never know. It can come in handy when needed, for example, next weekend I can back to back my off days so that I can have a 3 day weekend for Meg's wedding without taking any benefit days off of work. But for general planning purposes, occasions that are not major life events valid enough to call "off limits" to my boss, are always up in the air until the last minute. This includes any and all birthday, going away, coming home, friend or family parties, weekend excursions, sporting events, baptisms, reunions, holidays in general, barbecues, housewarmings, bar crawls, social obligations, general fun stuff, LIFE, etc.
So to hear some overpaid, 9-5 Sales Manager, whose base salary is about mine PLUS quarterly bonuses, stroll by my office on their way out the door 30 minutes early telling me to "have a good weekend" when they know damn well that I'll be WORKING, really gets my blood boiling!
Come to think of it, there is a sentence at work that's even worse than "have a good weekend". It's asked at the lunch table on Monday, "so what did you do this weekend?"
Working in hospitality, I barely have a grasp on what day of the week it is. I just know if I'm "on" or "off" that day. (And "on" certainly is the word for the sugary sweet fakeness that I ooze at work. During my more bitchy moments Berto tells me he wishes I would use my work demeanor more for him and casual acquaintances, which I'm wayyyyyy too exhausted for. But this is a blog for another time). Every Friday between 4-5pm people stroll down the hallway by my office, which is on the way to the employee entrance. Administrative assistants, Sales Managers, Catering/CS Managers, and other lucky employees on their way to enjoying their regularly scheduled weekend off. They smile and wave, and tell me to "have a good weekend", while they scurry out the door to enjoy their plans.
Why is this scenario so offensive you might ask? It's simply a nice gesture. But to me, it only serves as a reminder of what a big pain in the ass it is to work weekends ALL THE FREAKING TIME! Generally speaking, I like my job. I'm paid well (not enough for what I do, but who is? And overall, I do well) I enjoy the people that I work with. My hours are long (I've worked as many as 72 hours in a single week), but I make overtime. And the perks, well, unbeatable. 12 free nights a year at any Hyatt in the world? Yes, please.
But the most annoying part of my job is never being able to plan for ANYTHING, because my schedule is based purely on the demands of the hotel. It's common for me to not know on a Thursday/Friday whether or not I'll be working come Sunday morning. It's become a way of life for me over the past 2.5 years in management, and it's a way of life for all the other rooms/operational managers (those people that I mentioned that I enjoyed working with). My off days might be Monday/Friday (my schedule this week). Or Sunday/Thursday, you just never know. It can come in handy when needed, for example, next weekend I can back to back my off days so that I can have a 3 day weekend for Meg's wedding without taking any benefit days off of work. But for general planning purposes, occasions that are not major life events valid enough to call "off limits" to my boss, are always up in the air until the last minute. This includes any and all birthday, going away, coming home, friend or family parties, weekend excursions, sporting events, baptisms, reunions, holidays in general, barbecues, housewarmings, bar crawls, social obligations, general fun stuff, LIFE, etc.
So to hear some overpaid, 9-5 Sales Manager, whose base salary is about mine PLUS quarterly bonuses, stroll by my office on their way out the door 30 minutes early telling me to "have a good weekend" when they know damn well that I'll be WORKING, really gets my blood boiling!
Come to think of it, there is a sentence at work that's even worse than "have a good weekend". It's asked at the lunch table on Monday, "so what did you do this weekend?"
Why So Hostile?
Why is he pacing, sweating, and yelling like a WWE wrestler? And all this for the Stark County Ohio treasurer's office? This is what you get with a Masters in Communication! I love how he messes up his "favorite" quote in the "history of the spoken word". And the little nervous yelp he lets out under his breath when he realizes that he's f'ed up! His gestures are also so terribly deliberate! Some of my favorites:
3:11 when he "snaps"
3:45 the plan to "expand"
4:34 using knowledge as a "tool" or in this case a Philips head screwdriver
4:40 using the tool as a "weapon" or a Napleon-style sword!
5:06 standing at a full salute when giving his pledge to the people of Stark County
He will not apologize for his tone tonight!! ...Too bad he wasn't nominated.
Honeymoon Pics!
Oahu: Land of Rainbows and the Limo Taxi
Maui Fever
Kauai: Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls
And now, I leave you with these training video gems for a rainy Wednesday afternoon:
Maui Fever
Kauai: Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls
And now, I leave you with these training video gems for a rainy Wednesday afternoon:
Running Snob
On Sunday I ran the Rock 'n' Roll Chicago 1/2 Marathon. With about 3 years of races under my belt, I generally "know what's up" when it comes to these things. What I realized on Sunday, however, is that I'm quite a snob. It came to me while sitting in the VIP hospitality tent enjoying the private gear check & port-a-potties, a free Miller64, and an egg panini. Yep, snob.
Here are 3 running phenomena that baffle me:
- Something I CANNOT understand are those overloaded running utility belts, stuffed with Gu and four different bottles of energy drinks. I mean, I can understand if you're training for a full marathon, running 18 miles on a trail in the woods with no access to provisions. In that situation, a tool belt makes sense. But, really? During an organized 1/2 marathon where there are water and Gatorade stations at practically every mile marker. At this particular one there were even Gu and wet sponge stations! Is it still really necessary to carry a tool belt with even MORE supplies?? Snob.
- I cannot stand the way people hoard things just because they're free. It's bad enough at the expo where there are obviously free samples and giveaways. I always feel like an awkward school kid when I take one sample and the person behind the booth reminds me that I can ONLY TAKE 2. Yet, still here's the woman next to me grabbing samples of all 5 flavors completely ignoring the volunteer, and I'm embarrassed to even be standing next to her. Snob? The worst displays of this are after the race at the different replenishment stations. On Sunday I saw a guy take a handful of at least 8 mini-Cliff bars and a woman actually put a bunch of bananas down the front of her shirt!! The more I think about it, I don't think this one makes me a snob.
- One way to single yourself out and scream "This is my first race" is to wear the shirt from that day's race. I'm not sure why or where it came from, but wearing the shirt that you got in yesterday's goody bag is a rookie mistake! When I see runners doing such, for some reason I'm annoyed. Why? Who cares if they want to wear the shirt? Who cares if this is their first race? So what they don't understand "the rules"? I'm still bothered. Snob.
Here are 3 running phenomena that baffle me:
- Something I CANNOT understand are those overloaded running utility belts, stuffed with Gu and four different bottles of energy drinks. I mean, I can understand if you're training for a full marathon, running 18 miles on a trail in the woods with no access to provisions. In that situation, a tool belt makes sense. But, really? During an organized 1/2 marathon where there are water and Gatorade stations at practically every mile marker. At this particular one there were even Gu and wet sponge stations! Is it still really necessary to carry a tool belt with even MORE supplies?? Snob.
- I cannot stand the way people hoard things just because they're free. It's bad enough at the expo where there are obviously free samples and giveaways. I always feel like an awkward school kid when I take one sample and the person behind the booth reminds me that I can ONLY TAKE 2. Yet, still here's the woman next to me grabbing samples of all 5 flavors completely ignoring the volunteer, and I'm embarrassed to even be standing next to her. Snob? The worst displays of this are after the race at the different replenishment stations. On Sunday I saw a guy take a handful of at least 8 mini-Cliff bars and a woman actually put a bunch of bananas down the front of her shirt!! The more I think about it, I don't think this one makes me a snob.
- One way to single yourself out and scream "This is my first race" is to wear the shirt from that day's race. I'm not sure why or where it came from, but wearing the shirt that you got in yesterday's goody bag is a rookie mistake! When I see runners doing such, for some reason I'm annoyed. Why? Who cares if they want to wear the shirt? Who cares if this is their first race? So what they don't understand "the rules"? I'm still bothered. Snob.
Aloha Wedding Pics!
View all 900+ wedding pics here! Search "albertoandliz" Password "jaquez"
I can't believe it's already been almost 7 weeks since the wedding! We leave on Friday for Hawaii, and it still seems surreal right now. Berto & I have only been on one vacation alone together, and it was two summers ago when we went to Washington DC. It was fun and interesting, but it was more of a historical trip than a vacaaaaaaation. This will be my first vacation to the beach in 3 years, and Berto & I's first together.
I think another reason why it doesn't feel like we're really leaving in 2 days, is that I haven't done any planning! Those who know me, know that I plan EVERYTHING! My planner is my lifeline, filled with manically scribbled out To-Do's. I mean, I already have an e-vite sent out for a Labor Day Party, and it's not even the 4th of July! I am a P-L-A-N-N-E-R!. Yet, beyond the plane tickets and hotel and rental car reservations, I really haven't arranged for well, anything. I have a list of things we're interested in doing, from hiking, snorkeling, booze cruises, surfing, etc. Normally I would have already researched the cheapest places to rent snorkels and flippers, the prettiest trails, and the best bang for your buck booze cruise. Since this excursion still doesn't seem real to me, I haven't had any of my usual gusto to Google! And, I'm content with that. In fact, by cutting out the expectations and need to check things off my list, I think I might just be store for the best 10 days of my life!
I can't believe it's already been almost 7 weeks since the wedding! We leave on Friday for Hawaii, and it still seems surreal right now. Berto & I have only been on one vacation alone together, and it was two summers ago when we went to Washington DC. It was fun and interesting, but it was more of a historical trip than a vacaaaaaaation. This will be my first vacation to the beach in 3 years, and Berto & I's first together.
I think another reason why it doesn't feel like we're really leaving in 2 days, is that I haven't done any planning! Those who know me, know that I plan EVERYTHING! My planner is my lifeline, filled with manically scribbled out To-Do's. I mean, I already have an e-vite sent out for a Labor Day Party, and it's not even the 4th of July! I am a P-L-A-N-N-E-R!. Yet, beyond the plane tickets and hotel and rental car reservations, I really haven't arranged for well, anything. I have a list of things we're interested in doing, from hiking, snorkeling, booze cruises, surfing, etc. Normally I would have already researched the cheapest places to rent snorkels and flippers, the prettiest trails, and the best bang for your buck booze cruise. Since this excursion still doesn't seem real to me, I haven't had any of my usual gusto to Google! And, I'm content with that. In fact, by cutting out the expectations and need to check things off my list, I think I might just be store for the best 10 days of my life!
Unofficially Mexican
I can't believe our wedding day has already come and gone and my last name is now Jaquez (my email addresses even confirm it! lfjaquez@gmail.com & liz.jaquez@hyatt.com)
It was an unbelievable day, and I wish I could relive it over and over, Groundhog Day style. Berto & I are truly blessed to have amazing friends and family! Here are some of my favorite pics of the day courtesy of Facebook and my cousin Anna:






Professional photos and video are coming soon, and one moment I wish we would have gotten on video was the moment Berto first saw his rhino groom's cake. I called Beth at Costa Confections about 3 months out after Berto & I had watched an always inspiring episode of Cake Boss the night before. She was happy to take on the challenge and for a very, very reasonable cost, and as you can see from the picture above, the rhino cake turned out amazing! Berto couldn't have been more surprised or pleased!
The most memorable quote of the day, by far, has got to be Berto calling Stephanie's phone around 10am and asking, "So, what's going on today?" Of course this is completely taken out of context, Berto was needing details about the shuttle and picture times, etc. (details him & I had been over many, many times before, of course). But, we definitely haven't let him forget it! "So...what's going on today?"
Photo booth pictures have also been posted here, password:laj051510
It was an unbelievable day, and I wish I could relive it over and over, Groundhog Day style. Berto & I are truly blessed to have amazing friends and family! Here are some of my favorite pics of the day courtesy of Facebook and my cousin Anna:






Professional photos and video are coming soon, and one moment I wish we would have gotten on video was the moment Berto first saw his rhino groom's cake. I called Beth at Costa Confections about 3 months out after Berto & I had watched an always inspiring episode of Cake Boss the night before. She was happy to take on the challenge and for a very, very reasonable cost, and as you can see from the picture above, the rhino cake turned out amazing! Berto couldn't have been more surprised or pleased!
The most memorable quote of the day, by far, has got to be Berto calling Stephanie's phone around 10am and asking, "So, what's going on today?" Of course this is completely taken out of context, Berto was needing details about the shuttle and picture times, etc. (details him & I had been over many, many times before, of course). But, we definitely haven't let him forget it! "So...what's going on today?"
Photo booth pictures have also been posted here, password:laj051510
Nightmare on Wedding Street
Since I started planning our wedding last May, every so often I'll have a terrible dream about things going wrong, unplanned, or just down right crazy on the big day. Berto even admitted last week that he had a bad dream about the wedding. I've decided to keep track:
#1: Berto was wearing an Underarmour shirt w/ the sleeves cut off and pajama pants at the end of the aisle and the entire wedding party danced into the church to the 90210 theme song in the style of that infamous Chris Brown YouTube video.
#2: My teeth fell out as I was getting my dress on/getting ready. Blood was everywhere, and a frantic search for the teeth ensued but they were no where to be found.
#3(Berto's): He is searching for all the elements of his well-planned, ok agonized-over, attire and can't find them. When he is finally together and pleased with his get up, he realizes that he is at our house in Lyons, an hour and a half away from the church, and the wedding starts in 15 minutes.
#4: Last night I dreamed that there weren't enough tables in the hall and the seating arrangement just did NOT work. Also, the photo booth was absent, and I realized that I never paid them the final balance, so there were no favors. My wedding colors had also mysteriously changed to black and green, very reminiscent of Molly & Jason's Bachelor wedding this week...
#5: Last night Berto & I were saying out vows, and I was thinking to myself, wait, how did this day get here already? How did we skip the shower, bachelorette party, and rehearsal dinner? Then later during the ceremony, when it's time for Berto to kiss the bride, he instead pulled a microphone from his tux jacket and broke out into Frankie Valli's "Can't Take My Eyes Off of You." And he sounded just like him. Then instead of getting on the charter bus to Klehm Aboretum, for some reason, we went into this tiny little hall at the church and ate breakfast??
#1: Berto was wearing an Underarmour shirt w/ the sleeves cut off and pajama pants at the end of the aisle and the entire wedding party danced into the church to the 90210 theme song in the style of that infamous Chris Brown YouTube video.
#2: My teeth fell out as I was getting my dress on/getting ready. Blood was everywhere, and a frantic search for the teeth ensued but they were no where to be found.
#3(Berto's): He is searching for all the elements of his well-planned, ok agonized-over, attire and can't find them. When he is finally together and pleased with his get up, he realizes that he is at our house in Lyons, an hour and a half away from the church, and the wedding starts in 15 minutes.
#4: Last night I dreamed that there weren't enough tables in the hall and the seating arrangement just did NOT work. Also, the photo booth was absent, and I realized that I never paid them the final balance, so there were no favors. My wedding colors had also mysteriously changed to black and green, very reminiscent of Molly & Jason's Bachelor wedding this week...
#5: Last night Berto & I were saying out vows, and I was thinking to myself, wait, how did this day get here already? How did we skip the shower, bachelorette party, and rehearsal dinner? Then later during the ceremony, when it's time for Berto to kiss the bride, he instead pulled a microphone from his tux jacket and broke out into Frankie Valli's "Can't Take My Eyes Off of You." And he sounded just like him. Then instead of getting on the charter bus to Klehm Aboretum, for some reason, we went into this tiny little hall at the church and ate breakfast??
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