Yesterday morning I begrudgingly went to an ultrasound at 38.5 weeks to "check growth"...again. I had been talking shit about the appointment all week; why am I doing this? Do you really need to check growth at almost 39 weeks? I could go into labor any day. If the ultrasound shows that she's small, what do we do at this point? It's not like we can keep her in there!
But now I'm glad I went! 3 different doctors over the past month have given me external examinations and told me they thought she was positioned head down, ready to deliver. I've had a noticeable mass near the top of my bump that one doctor indicated was Rhina sticking her butt out. When it would really protrude, Berto & I would joke about her big bootie and even playfully spank her through my belly. Her "butt" was sticking out yesterday as I laid down to begin the ultrasound. The tech even commented "oh my" and I joked about it being her big butt sticking out. As soon as she began the ultrasound, however, the tech said "uh oh! That's not her butt" Apparently Berto and I have been spanking the back of Rhina's head!
The doctor said 96% of babies turn by 37 weeks. He said he could attempt to manually turn the baby, but it's a painful process that's not without complications. He said in his experience, if the baby hasn't turned naturally, there's a natural reason and it's usually in the best interest of the baby. Some common reasons are not enough room to turn or the umbilical cord or placenta being in the way. He recommended a C-section and said he would like to schedule it for Monday!
It being Thursday, I was pretty shocked. Monday sounded so soon! He said he would put the recommendation in for Monday but depending on the surgery schedule it could take place Tuesday or Wednesday. He said I should expect a phone call Friday morning to confirm surgery.
It was a strange day at work waiting around for a phone call and wondering if today would be my last day of work or not. At 10:30 I received a phone call from my doctor's office saying that my C-section had been scheduled for Monday morning at 9:30am and that the hospital would call me soon to confirm and give me more details.
It's scary and exciting all in one. It definitely takes away the element of surprise. My water won't break. There will be no moment when I call or tell Berto, "it's time!" But in a way it's nice to know that everything is scheduled and planned for. My mom was able to book a flight and know she'll be there at the right time. All of Berto's relatives have planned to take the day off of work. I was able to give an official last day at Hyatt and leave feeling like all my loose ends have been tied up. For the past couple of weeks I've known that I could "go" any day, but it seems that much more real to have a scheduled date and time. Now we just have to decide how to spend our last weekend as "just us".
January 16th and Martin Luther King Jr Day will forever have a different meaning to us and our stubborn girl that wouldn't turn!