1/16 6lbs 3oz birthweight
1/19 5lbs 8oz discharged from hospital
2/6 7lbs even
3/13 9lbs 12oz
Birth length was 21 inches and she's now 22.75 in the 75 percentile. Where is this height coming from? Not from either of us!
She also got her 2 month shots yesterday which was hard to watch. When the needles went in, her eyes would bug out of her head immediately followed by the loudest scream I've ever heard from her. I swear she discovered a part of her lungs she never knew she had.
Last night she woke me up every hour crying in her sleep. I would hear the scream and go to her room only to find her still sound asleep. Today she's been asleep for most of the day and is running a fever. The pediatrician said it's normal to run a fever the next day and just to keep an eye on it and bring her in if it lasts more than 24 hours or goes above 102. I just feel so bad for her when I feel her warm forehead!
Today begins the countdown, only one week left of my maternity leave! I can't believe it! I knew it couldn't last forever, but it certainly flew by. I got practice at leaving Johanna last weekend when Berto & I went to his school's booster club fundraising gala. It was a nice night, but I was so tired I couldn't really enjoy it that much. Once I knew Johanna was asleep, all I wanted was to go to sleep too! I have no idea how I'm going to work with her longest stretch of sleep still averaging only 4-5 hours. How do people do it??