Disgusting, I know, but I can't stop looking at my teeth. I can't imagine those long, bloody roots being inside my mouth 5 days ago. I was able to eat pasta somewhat successfully last night, and I've had good luck with heavy soups. I just can't handle any more ice cream and pudding. Ughh...dairy. Yesterday was my first day back at work, and I had to leave early. The effects of the Vicodin weren't noticeable at home watching HGTV & 90210 with an ice pack on my jaw, but yesterday after my afternoon dose, I nearly fell asleep at my desk with the spins. Here I am today at my desk debating today's dosage. I'm thinking I'll cut the pill in 1/2. I don't know if I'm brave enough to go without it yet.
I cannot stop watching these awful true life stories on TLC.
Mermaid Girl With no vagina or rectum, Mermaid Girl Shiloh has to attach large bags to holes in her stomach to collect her bowel movements. She walks around with her shit hanging off of her until her Dad changes the bags for her once a day. Wow!
The Woman with Giant Legs Mandy Sellars has proteus syndrome which is a congenital skin disorder causing skin overgrowth and atypical bone development often accompanied by tumors.
Pregnant for 46 years A 75-year old Moroccan woman gave birth to a calcified, full-term ectopic baby that miraculously did not kill her for 46 years after fusing with her abdominal wall and internal organs! "In 1955, in a small village outside Casablanca, Zahra Aboutalib went into labour. Forty-eight hours later, the baby still hadn’t shifted and Zahra was rushed to hospital. There, Zahra looked on as a young woman died in agony on the operating table. There was only one thing for it; she turned and fled in panic, convinced she would suffer the same fate. Days of excruciating pain followed, and then the pains faded out. In Moroccan culture, it is believed that babies can live inside a woman’s womb to protect her honour and Zahra took on this “sleeping baby” myth. Zahra cast the pregnancy from her mind and many decades passed, during which time she adopted three children and became a grandmother." -- five.tv