
Hydrocodone is my Friend

Disgusting, I know, but I can't stop looking at my teeth. I can't imagine those long, bloody roots being inside my mouth 5 days ago. I was able to eat pasta somewhat successfully last night, and I've had good luck with heavy soups. I just can't handle any more ice cream and pudding. Ughh...dairy.
Yesterday was my first day back at work, and I had to leave early. The effects of the Vicodin weren't noticeable at home watching HGTV & 90210 with an ice pack on my jaw, but yesterday after my afternoon dose, I nearly fell asleep at my desk with the spins. Here I am today at my desk debating today's dosage. I'm thinking I'll cut the pill in 1/2. I don't know if I'm brave enough to go without it yet.

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