
The Zombie Contingency Plan

Apparently it is normal for all men to have such a thing! Last night Berto received a call from our friend John. Him and his wife, Stephanie, were "arguing" over whether or not every man had one, and John called Berto for proof. Turns out, Berto also has one, which includes boarding up the house and getting a hold of a gun to blow their heads off. Shocked, amused, and intrigued by their insistence that every man has one - I posted it to my Facebook status.

Needless to say the response was overwhelming!

The link is to the Wikipedia page about the book The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead published in 2003 by Max Brooks. There are six chapters - The Undead: Myths & Realities, Weapons and Combat Techniques, On the Defense, On the Run, On the Attack, and Living in an Undead World. The book explains that the M1 carbine and the machete are the best weapons to "confront the undead", how to turn a building into a base, and the "rules and necessities of traveling through zombie-infested territory"!

Berto also questioned his friends about their contingency plans.

My favorite response:

Anyone else have a Zombie contingency plan? Please share!

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