I am still having appointments practically every other week to watch her growth due to the SUA, but so far everything is progressing perfectly. The level 2 ultrasound wasn't what I thought it would be at all. I thought it would be in 3D, but it was exactly like the 20 week ultrasound. So much so, that when they asked if I had any questions, I said, "so why am I here? How was this one different than last week?" For some reason, it felt almost inappropriate to ask. The doctor definitely seemed as if I was the first person to ever question the necessity of the procedure. She said it was more "in depth." I tried to laugh it off on my ignorance for her sake, but I'm starting to get the feeling that I'm just being told to do all these things to run up my bill. Seriously, the screen looked exactly the same, and they took all the same pictures and measurements as the 20 week ultrasound. Only the doctor and location seemed different to me. I guess better safe than sorry, but I can't help feeling that some of this is just completely unnecessary. Like next week, for example, we have a fetal echo cardiogram so they can get a better look at her heart and all the chambers etc. The doctor told me that the level 2 ultrasound confirmed up to 80% that everything is good with her heart, but the fetal echo cardiogram can tell us up to 83%. REALLY? 3%? I have to take time off work and go to a special hospital for 3%? What is that really going to tell me or the doctor? And in the long run, what difference is it really going to make at this point in the pregnancy? And c'mon "fetal echo cardiogram" just sounds expensive... At least as of Oct 1st I'll officially be on Berto's good, union, government insurance.
Now for something more enjoyable - ultrasound pics!

My favorite of the ultrasound pics from 20 weeks - just look at that cute little smile!

3D ultrasound pic from First Peak Ultrasound at 17 week
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